As scientists and engineers, every day we are working with our clients to deliver sustainable solutions. Our teams are applying their technical expertise and experiences to help our clients endeavor to make their projects more climate resilient and lessen their impacts on the environment. Our approach to sustainability engages our teams in helping our clients create new solutions around energy supply, natural resource preservation and resiliency of buildings and infrastructure.

  • Developing new supplies of energy including from green and renewable sources such as hydrogen, solar, renewable natural gas, and energy storage systems
  • Improving the climate resiliency of buildings and infrastructure including stormwater management, building resiliency, and embodied carbon
  • Delivering gas services including CO2 emissions calculations, greenhouse gas reductions, methane monitoring and reduction
  • Providing sustainable remedial alternatives and considerations to address our clients’ environmental challenges
  • Helping our clients evaluate and implement waste reduction, recycling, and reuse strategies

As a company and as individuals, we embrace our responsibility to protect the environment, preserve natural resources, and promote sustainability in our work. Our internal environmental stewardship program seeks to protect the planet through a variety of initiatives, from recycling and energy efficiency to intentional purchasing decisions and reductions in paper usage and business travel.

The company has a Go Green Team that is focused on building awareness, seeking opportunities to improve our footprint, and boosting engagement through staff participation. The Go Green Team is also focused on capturing the impact of transformations in the way we work – including paperless processes, IT network and systems efficiencies, and hybrid work.

Some examples of Go Green work in action include:

  • Paperless human resources processes – from onboarding, benefits open enrollment, surveys and acknowledgments
  • Other paper-saving process in place – including designated printers that reuse old stationery
  • Recycling and composting services in our offices
  • Other sustainability concepts incorporated into our workspaces – LED lighting, light sensors, water refill stations, and technology-enabled meeting rooms
  • Company-wide litter pick-ups and other sustainably-minded activities on Earth Day
  • Participation in National Bike-to-Work Day
  • Carpool campaign to our company conference saving nearly 3,000 vehicle miles traveled
  • Monthly “Green Minutes” posted on our intranet site and presented at Company Staff Meetings