We conduct field investigations to assess site conditions and to support remediation design for the cleanup of environmental contamination.
Specialty Areas:
- Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Studies (RI/FS)
- Contaminant Fate & Transport
- Geochemical Analysis
- Fractured Bedrock
- Vapor Intrusion
- Emerging Contaminants (e.g. PFAS, 1,4-dioxane)
- High Resolution Characterization
Sanborn Head provides site characterization and remediation consulting services for a wide range of clients and their projects, including active and former industrial/manufacturing facilities, commercial properties, hazardous waste disposal sites, brownfields redevelopment, and acquisition/divestiture property portfolios. The firm’s environmental expertise has grown over decades of service in geology, hydrogeology, and remediation engineering throughout the U.S. and abroad.
Our site characterization expertise spans the full range of environmental media, including:
- Soil and groundwater investigations
- Fractured bedrock characterization
- Sediment and surface water studies
- Vapor intrusion and indoor air assessment
Remediation engineering services include:
- Remedial alternatives development
- Feasibility studies
- Pilot testing
- Optimization
- Design/construction plans
- Cost assessments
- Permitting
We typically oversee the implementation of remediation, including management of construction, operations and maintenance, and performance monitoring.
Sanborn Head works collaboratively with our clients to develop site assessment and remediation programs that strike the right balance in meeting regulatory requirements, schedules, and financial constraints.